70% of children
who have an
parent will end
up in prison.
98% of those who are incarcerated will be released. 70% of those released will return to prison within 3 YEARS There are more than Americans incarcerated today. 2 MILLION

What is men of valor?

In First Samuel we read, “those who were in distress or in debt or discontented” gathered around David. He encouraged those “outlaws”, united them, and trained them to become the great soldiers who were eventually known as David’s mighty “men of valor.” In similar fashion, our ministry begins with reaching out to incarcerated men. These men, too, are discontented, rebellious, and have certainly proven to be outlaws in our society. We encourage them with the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we welcome them into the family of God, we train them in the Biblical principles of manhood, and with a very structured plan, we help them to become the men, husbands, fathers, and members of society that God created them to be.

We are making a difference

Nationally, 70% of men released from prison will return. However, through Bible-based programming, aftercare/re-entry services, and the involvement of committed staff and volunteers, Men of Valor’s success rate beats both national and statewide statistics. In fact, for men who complete Men of Valor’s 6-month program inside the prison and 12-month program outside the prison, the recidivism rate is below 15%.

To request an application for residency, write to us and let us know why you would like to live in the Valor Ridge community.

Men of Valor Stories

Our Mission

Men of Valor is committed to winning men in prison to Jesus Christ and discipling them. Our purpose is to equip them to re-enter society as men of integrity – becoming givers to the community rather than takers.